“Give me a Guinness, Give me a Keystone light…I need a Whisky”

I know what you’re thinking, why need a full review with lyrics like that? I almost agree with you. However there is more to look at. Step inside!

Haggis – traditionally made with sheep’s pluck, minced onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt.

Now that may not sound very appealing to most, but I’d try it. Why not right? Just because something looks a certain way or is described as something, doesn’t mean we should just exclaim “BLEK!” without giving it a change. That would make us almost stereotypically American.

Titus Andronicus was named after the play by Billy Shakespeare. Yes, he wrote more than just Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, and Macbeth. But you knew that. Because you know that it is about who will succeed the recently passed Roman Emperor. Much like this band is…


Glad you’re coming with me on that one.

At first glance, The Monitor is musically Haggis1. They’re very tough to swallow. Yet I can’t help but find myself wanting to experience it. I feel as though I shouldn’t like it, but I do. Definitely coming in less eloquent than ole’ Billy S. with vocals reminiscent of the late great Joe Strummer, and a punch-in-the-gut style, Titus Andronicus prevail with this Civil War inspired second studio album.

In comparison with our string of punk reviews this, much to my initial surprise, takes the cake. This may be one of those obscure tastes; like caviar, Michael Bay movies, and Justin Bieber. There’s no arguing here.

They aren’t the kind of band most fans would seek. They’ve grown on me quite a bit since the first go around and I’ll be the first to admit I was hesitant to partake in such an obscure mingling of sounds. As a whole, I couldn’t shake the idea this band is some strange lovechild of The Clash and The Dropkick Murphys.

I am beginning to see a trend here. It would seem to those in the real world (those not in New Jersey*) tend to diversify their tastes a bit from Punk. Everyone else (those in New Jersey*) want to create punk again and again. As this does created for some oddly wonderful background music – just not enough to hook me in all the time. Take a chance, sink your teeth into this musical Haggis.

I dare you.

*For New Jersey – it’s just a joke. Please don’t encourage Bon Jovi to continue releasing albums in spite of Punk.

1. Yes I compared them to the Scottish delicacy.