In music you’re constantly pulled in a thousand directions by generalizations and assumptions. It’s really hard not to have a preconceived notion about a group or artist who has had fourteen prior self-released albums. You’re immediately drawn to What are they doing wrong?, This must be a drum machine driven rich kid, and/or This has to be someone who is really into Techno.
Well if you thought any of those, you’ve obviously never heard of Thunderegg.
Allow me to enlighten you.
For the last, almost 20 years, singer/songwriter Will Georgantas has been bleeding his heart into his craft under the moniker Thunderegg. Over the course of time the band’s music has been touched by ten other members who have come and gone, some have stuck around.
Thunderegg’s music is delivered with honesty, conviction, and simplicity. Their fifteenth album, Line Line, opens with “The Scheduled Show,” a sound which will completely lay to rest any misconceptions you may have had. The uncomplicated, crisp opening acoustic riff propels itself into the sound, which defines the style of the band, via a swift ascension. Not far in, it becomes quickly apparent that Georgantas’ vocals offer a limited range. Limited is certainly not lacking as it, uniquely, is not a drawback to their sound. The vocals throughout the album cleanly deliver real life lyrics while complimenting the vast array of instruments complied to make the sound. Varying in tempo from the mellow beginnings of “Your Pretty Little Angels” to the doo-wop inspired “Sweetest One” the one consistent formula is their focus on writing and implementation of layered sounds. Line Line is ten tracks of love songs in a real, not so loving way. The horn and steel slide arrangement during the third wheel discussion of “It’s Not You, It’s Not Me (It’s Her)” offers a lighthearted feeling to an otherwise peculiar track. Harmless and not overbearing in the least, the album is a refreshing mix of talented instrumentation pairings and lucid lyrics.
Simply taking into consideration the back story to the album, you may think to pass it up. If that is the case then you’d miss the point of their music anyway. For those not so quick to pass judgment, these ten tracks settle confidently in their songwriter foundation and will entertain the songwriter in you.