Some bands find it necessary to release a compilation album after they’ve released a few studio albums. There are compilations that are intimidating and those that sometimes appealing to only the most diehard of fans. They can be intimidating as they tend to be very rough around the edges, often first run recordings. They are limited in their appeal because, unless you’re really into that band, you’re probably not going to care what their demo track sounded like.

For the Springfield, Missouri quartet Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, a compilation is not a rare, mid-career release, but rather a unique door into the minds of a group of friends. Tape Club is a 26 track, yes 26, zenith of ten years worth of inability to put down a guitar and stop working.

This is hardly a bad thing.

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin is more than an indie-pop acoustic band and this album proves just that. Tape Club spans an array of sound, from the simplistic acoustic melodies of Travis-esc to the electronic side of pop. From songs like “The Clod and the Pebble” and “Spinning Sea” we’re gifted a raw light melodic sound incorporating slight off-set background instrumentals that meticulously insert quirkiness. Tracks like “Lower the Gas Prices, Howard Johnson,” and “We Can Win Missouri” deliver a more driving up-beat quality that offers another face to their abilities while touching on their down home personalities. Varying in length from barely over a minute to just under five, there is a plethora of songs which stylistically span the down key “Same Speed” all the way up to the retro-anthem “Cardinal Rules.”

The length of Tape Songs is enough to keep you bound to the album; even at 26 tracks. Dabbling in rough cut truly tape sounding tracks to cleanly produced, it is a refreshing insight for people seeking to learn about them and a great addition to those wanting more. It will show you what they are capable of and candidly open you to their not so superb side. Like a resume, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin has listed their qualifications in this release.

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin – Spinning Sea by Polyvinyl Records

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin – Cardinal Rules by Polyvinyl Records