-Greg’s Take-
Gallery commissioned painter turned musical entrepreneur Faris McReynolds has made an interesting, and somewhat confusing, decision in the past few months. McReynolds has opted to take one step forward with the exceptionally visionary One Finger Riot, while bringing forth his other foot, firmly planted in his other sound, Exdetectives.
The difference between the two, according to McReynolds (sole proprietor of each “band”), is electronic experimentation vs. the “rock side” of his sound. Granted, there is a definite twist in style between the two, the success comes in the form of Fly By Life.
One Finger Riot was very impressive with the release of Come Drag Me Down. The follow up, Fly By Life, draws a line in the sand of the one man band(s). While the sophomore album gains a sense of maturity, it appears to have pulled back into the safety of his music.
Now usually, I would say that restraint on anything but the first release could prove detrimental to the sound, but One Finger Riot maintains a course to success. Fly By Life is ten tracks of electronic expression. With very strong points (“Miles” and “What I Do”) the one man style keeps you hooked. McReynolds’ implementation of reaching effects lends itself to a very fun and catchy experience. Where the first album had layers, some more prominent than others, Fly By Life balances things out. We still have the eclectic layers, combined with more level sound vs. less bold dynamics from the first album, but the style is much more finite and focused on progression. This adaptation to the maturing vision creates a thoroughly entertaining sequel that will leaving you waiting patiently for the next One Finger Riot act.
One Finger Riot is the best music you are not listening to. You know how I know you’re not listening to One Finger Riot? Because if you were, you wouldn’t have read this far, you would already know how great the sound is. It is explorative yet refined; it is deep yet light and airy. Faris McReynolds, aside from having a kickass name, is a man with a plan and that plan is an under-the-radar masterpiece. We’d expect nothing else from such an artist.