There was a sound that could have been even greater, had it not been cut short by tragedy. I’m referring to the sound that was crafted around the vocal style of rock legend Lane Staley. The range and power of a voice like that reshaped rock forever. Unfortunately, many have tried to recreate the sound with no luck. The reason this has not been achieved is because people try to overdo it.
New York rocker and songwriter Frank Palangi is on par to bring rock back to the way it needs to be. His straight-forward, sometimes dark, style brings the honesty out of rock that has long been dormant. Matched with his belief that music is quintessentially entertainment, he crafts songs that are just as infectious as they are creative. With a yet to be determined release date, Palangi teamed up with established producer Rogers Masson to help define his debut release.
The EP definitely carries its fair share of addictive rock: songs like “It’s All Right,” an all encompassing power track that dabbles in Sully-like vocals with post grunge composition; and “I’m Waiting,” a track that will have you holding up your proverbial rock bowl and saying “MORE PLEASE!” But he also mixes the pace up a bit; bringing forth acoustic tracks like “Love” and “Remembrance” only exemplifies what sets Palangi apart, because where most rock bands would stretch their limits, he maintains discipline and does not step outside of his abilities. This restraint is in no way bland, but rather darkly entertaining.
Palangi is not just another machine cranking out hard rock song after hard rock song, granted the man will play live if given even the slightest chance, but there is thought to his lyrics. He’s not afraid to open his mind to his music and let it bleed emotion into his songwriting.
Layering both seriously entertaining rock tracks with legitimate writing, Frank Palangi is on to something great. Normally, simply comparing an artist or band to another is weak and an excuse for critics to skip doing their job, but with this EP you can’t help but be drawn to the similarities to an early Lane Staley. With a dark, well paced music like his, we’re reminded of just how dynamic music can be.
Love by frankpalangi