Queue up the slide guitar, we’ve got a country single on our hands.
But wait a minute. There’s much more to this than just another country single. Backing the tight country flow there is an endearing voice full of grace and beauty.
Katey Laurel has earned her way to her single “Be Somebody.” With roots in Denver and attention grabbing abilities as a singer/songwriter, Katey is more than a pretty face stepping up to the modern folk/country scene. No, Katey puts those looking to break out via an easy score to shame by hard work and a strong ethic; so much so it is evident in every chord she plays and line she sings.
Though she is incredibly upbeat, I’d go as far as peppy, you can’t help but join in her happiness. It is infectious without going over the top. You won’t want to turn away from her music. From covering Colbie Caillat (“I Do”), which is far better than Colbie herself, to “Two Birds,” Katey Laurel shows her range with crisp vocals and refreshing delivery.
With conviction and precision, here is her latest single, released in June, “Be Somebody.”